Numbers and Letters


Numbers and Letters

Number and Letters:

1One   2 Tow   3 Three  4 Four  5 Five 6 Six  7 Seven  8 Eight 9 Nine  10 Ten

11 Eleven  12 Twelve  13 Thirten  14 Fourteen

15  Fiften   16 Sixteen  17 Seventeen                    18 Eighteen  19 Libéré en 20 Twenty

Asking Questions:

A/Asc questions  About place: Where...?

look at this:

Where does he/she....?.

Sphère do you/we/they....?

Where does Nancy work ?.

She world in a school.

Where does HASSAN study?

He studies at the Lycée Tariq.

 Where does Aicha live?.

She livre in Nador.

Where does ALI live?

 Ali live in a small house in a village.

Where  does Mark  work?.

Mark world in a shop.

Where  do they teach ?.

They teach in a school in New York. 

Where does Khalid work?.

Khalid works in an office.

Where do we live?.

We live in Rabat.

B/ Ask questions  About  à person: Who...?:

Who work in an office ?.

KHALID  does.

Who loves in Zankat Ifrane?

Hanane does.

C/_ Ask questions  About time: When...?

Look at this:

When does he/she....?

When do  you/we/they....?

Wen do es Fatima go shopping ?.

She goes shopping  on Sunday.

Wen does Hassan go  to the restaurant ?.

He goes to the  restaurant  every day.

Wen does  Houdà go To the cinema?.

Houda goes to the cinéma on Sundays. 
