Al Biruni

Al Biruni 973-1050
Al Biruni was known as The Master (Al Ustad). He was an astronomer, a mathematician, a physicist, a chemist, a geographer, a historian, a philosopher, a linguist and a poet. Many countries claim him. However, his works are so varied and universal that he belongs to all nations and all times.

He was born on September the 4th, 973 In Kath, the capital city of khawarizm. His early education was supervised by a Greek scientist. As a child, Al Biruni was fascinated by the mysteries of science.
At the age of 17, he became very interested in Astronomy. He studied the stars and the mysteries of the sky. He observed the movement of the sun and drew diagrams to show this movement. He made instruments to help him with his work.
He studied Chemistry and wrote a medical encyclopaedia called (As Saydala Fi-Tib). He was also interested in history. He read hundreds of books and drew the first map in the world.
In 1010 he was a member of the House of Wisdom (Bayt Al Hikmah). This was an academy with a library. Many books were translated by members of the House of Wisdom. The academy was a store of scientific knowledge which was later transmitted to the West.
